Today is the big day! I sure woke up wide awake today - in the loft bed - at 6am. It's like Christmas Morning! In a few hours all this will move about a mile and a half south to the new place.
Did you know about this? Apparently there is a new thing on the internet called a "meme" in which strangers all do something. I don't fully get it, but so far two people have emailed me this link on Amazon, which is amusing, as well as lupine.
I'll be at the Javits Center today talking about books, and then tomorrow I'm moving, so Good Lord Only Knows when I'll be back here. I wonder if my neighbors will have unpassworded internet I can "borrow."
In the meantime, enjoy some of my favorite comments.
Ah, the classic Disney ending.
Defective! Poetry! Fair warning: A haiku! Sadness. This is my favorite, I think:
I guess the other thing about a "meme" is that lazy bloggers can just "borrow" that content for their own postings. Sweet!
Birthday Boy James sent me this picture with the subject header "Blog Worthy?" My answer? Heck yes.
In 1976, Miss Bette Davis recorded an album, entitled Miss Bette Davis. It includes her renditions of a few different standards, some spoken word bits, and scariest of all - her in-character rendition of "I'm Sending A Letter To Daddy."
I had almost forgotten about the album. I say almost, because I had the terrifying experience of waking up to some Margo Channing dialogue once. God Bless, iPod Alarm Clock Shuffle.
So here she is promoting the LP on the Andy Williams show, performing a Chubby Checker-esque "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane."
A new favorite website of mine is this one here - which is not safe for work, nor is the content appropriate for this blog. It's about pitching tents, and I don't mean the kind for kitties.
Fortunately, there's another funny site out there that is totally appropriate for here. Texts From Last Night is exactly what it sounds like. Some may be phonies, but I think most are real. The only identifying characteristic is the area code. Here are some of my favorites.
I like this next one because it reminds me of Peter Cetera's "Glory Of Love" from Karate Kid II. This person has some plural issues. This sounds like a GREAT one night stand. Here's some trouble with the law. and more... Someone has a sad life:
And really? My favorite. Keep 'em coming, internet!
This year on Thanksgiving I will give thanks that Tyler stole this poster from a gay disco. And I will give thanks that I have the soundtrack to a certain someone's one man show, a MacBook, and time on my hands.
With apologies to Lotte Lenya, this is pretty good stuff.
Now, I'm pretty busy today what with packing and going to a BBQ.
But if I wasn't, I'd sure be glad to celebrate Memorial Day watching this on Hulu. I think of this program every time I see those rats scurrying so deliberately on the subway tracks. I can remember being a little scared of this one in the theatre.
Last night David said, "Your blog is useful for remembering diva's birthdays and looking at kitty cats." Well, bring it!
I don't know what it is about Miss Grace Jones that is so mesmerizing, but since yesterday was her 57th Birthday, why not celebrate her?
She was both one of the first and the last of the 1970s / 1980s cartoon character pop stars - there's been no one in the past 20 years to match Jones/Bowie/Madonna/Jackson/Prince in their singularity. But, I digress.
She just had a new album out last year, which David I listened to on the way up to Montreal for our Karaoke Vacation. It was pretty dang good - almost as if it was made sometime in the 70s then lost then just showed up again - kinda like Grace herself.
Right after that, when I was in San Francisco, Sarah and I watched A View To A Kill, starring Ms Jones and another cartoon character, Christopher Walken. A few days later, I saw Casino Royale, Part 2 with the whole sick crew, and among my other gripes, the Bond women weren't so interesting. I mean, sure, they sprayed a tan on that Russian lady and pretended she was Bolivian, and she was hot and all, but no May Day.
She's still pretty impressive these days, as the pictures above from this here fan site prove. Designers sure like to dress her up sexy elder style.
I have to say, her voice is something that everyone underestimates. Here she is with Pavarotti, holding her own not only against him but against the toilet bowl she's wearing on her head.
And here's the new song, Hurricane, which I sometimes sing to Zach:
For example, the most expensive keys I have ever bought. As of today, I own 25% of them. In 30 years, I'll have paid off the bank and will own the rest!
After signing my name to one million documents, some chums accompanied me to my new place (after we ate hot dogs) for Champagne Celebration & Moving In Dreams.
Here we see me sitting where the couch will go, for maximum program watching. Wait, what's that behind me? Oh, A SEPARATE ROOM FOR THE BED TO GO IN. In real estate terms, we call this a "bedroom."
Kevin is posing with the fireplace and the kitchen island. I'm sure going to get nice stools to go with the island, so people can sit and watch me cook all my stews.
Here you can see Amber posing with the fireplace. The space behind her right shoulder is where the Programs will go.
Also? You can imagine my surprise when Amber pointed out you can see the Empire State Building from my living room.
I sure am happy to have such a new apartment, and friends to fill it up with.
This is probably my favorite, of the Kitty & His Buddy.
As for my own collection, I think Zach's relationship with his BFF, Alligator, has been well-documented on these pages. In this shot, they appear to be watching the same fascinating program:
And here's one of him recently with a Monkey Hop-On.
Friendship is a beautiful thing. Thanks, Internet!
I have now used up all the Fresh Direct boxes that have been re-gifted to me - 28 in total. Things look good too; I probably only need another five or six boxes to pull everything together, and the move is at least a week or two away.
Here's some more stuff I've found while choosing what to save and what to toss. If you know me at all, it won't surprise you that Dollywood is one of the places I've been to in my life.
Here's me at that grand place, in 1995:
That's easy to save, it's just a picture.
Save or not: 51 Dolly Parton Playing Cards? (save)
Save or not: Dolly Parton change purse? (Save).
I actually saved the change purse once before. In 1996 I was in Barcelona, traveling by myself. I was mugged by two rather bumbling teens with a flimsy, yet still scary, knife. They took my credit card, my cash, and my cigarettes. I actually asked them to give me back the purse, in my best broken Spanish. They did. I think this deserves space in one of the boxes. Gracias, Ladrones!