Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Amber Alert!

Do you know who has a birthday today?

That's right! Ivan The Terrible!

Know who else? Hint: she has one thumb and a margarita.

That's right! AMBER.

Amber and I met back in 1996. However, the earliest digital evidence I have of our friendship is this photo here, taken (I think) in 2003. We seem to be in Grant's office and I am just noticing now that it looks like the cast of Six Feet Under is cascading out of my head, Russian Doll Style.

Back in those days, Amber and I would have many adventures together, like when we went to the "Museum" for "Culture."

But then on MY birthday one year Amber thought it would be fun to move out of town. She went to work at this store. I'm not sure what they did, but it was definitely a storefront. I think she was like a Walmart greeter, waving to passersby so they'd come in and sample the wares.

Then, she moved to a DIFFERENT city. I visited her there once or twice, but all she did was pass out on the couch with the kitty ears on. Whatever, Friendship.

BUT, now she's back, and we get to have Fun Times again, like at Awesome Club or Vegetable Club or Wedding Club or Birthday Fancy Feast Club. Sometimes, she embarrasses herself, but usually we're good.

I made this handy graph using Excel, one of the touchstones of our Friendship, to show our friendship using Science.

Here's hoping she stays put this time!

Happy Birthday, Buddy!


ALH said...

Excel is one of the touchstones of our friendship and your excellent use of it made me weepy with joy.

Also: excellent use of photos of me containing classic elements: a) my butchy plaid shirt, b) headphones, c) cat ears, d) fancy dress.

Anonymous said...

I helped with that graph! Which, I think, makes me famous.