Monday, August 10, 2009

A Wedding! Friendship-Style

How could a viewing of The Towering Inferno NOT be the highlight of a weekend? Why, if some chums got married!

I live-blogged yesterday just before the event started, but don't worry, those aren't the only photos I took. I can't pretend to take photos as well as James does, and it's not likely I can top this fun video of Amber dancing, but here's what I found in my camera when Zach and I plugged it in this morning while we drank our coffee.

First, here's some chums pre-ceremony. I think Amber is practicing her lovely blessing about one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Who are these three Chosen People, you may ask?

(as per Kevin's riddle, when there are three people they are ALWAYS in descending order of height)

These were the party favors that we used to identify our seats - little seats! We were at Table 11, the best table.

Here is Amber giving her second speech of the evening, a Toast. It was a sweet story about how she and James met.

One fun surprise was the Bagpipe Salute to the new bride and groom!

Even sweeter was James serenading Alisa with a little Mr. Elvis Presley on the old pipes.

It was a very special day, and I will always cherish the memory of how happy James and Alisa looked during the ceremony - there was no hiding their excitement and love.

Also, Ming Ming will always cherish our party favor - a little seat where she can finally rest her weary bones!
Happy Marriage, Buddies!


Amy said...

I watch a lot of Wonder Pets. A lot. I could sing you songs.

Also, yay for nice wedding pictures. Tell us more about Amber's speeches, please.

Unknown said...

That made me so happy that you were able to use the seat! Thank you for coming!

Unknown said...

PS We should try 5-Napkin burger some time. I still have not been.

CRD said...

Yay! Your first post as a married man! We should go to 5 Napkins soon, maybe it can be your first burger as a married couple.

Amy, Amber's toasts were the best ones. One was about Dr. Who and one was about Eating Mush. They were very sweet and while they had universal themes they were specific to the magic that is James and Alisa. With luck she'll blog about them tomorrow.

alisa said...

thank you soooooooo much for coming and celebrating with us. You were super-handsome as usual. I love the blog posting (especially the photos with me in them).

Simon told me that he misses you so we are going to have a little cocktail party in september or october so that you guys can catch up.

ALH said...

CRD, what is that handsome scarf Ming Ming is wearing? It looks hand-made.

ALH said...

This was an awesome time. I had so much fun and was honored to make boogie face at the bride.