Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ouchy Beasts!

Wow. A kind reader from the west coast sent in a link to this wonderful blog.

Really it's so cute that there's nothing I can do but cry with tears of joy.

Many of the pictures come with little stories about how this sad thing happened to the pooch or kitty or kangaroo, and how these pictures are several months old and now it's all better and happy-go-lucky, which warms up my heart even more.

My soul aches for not knowing any of these beasts.

I mean, they're such troopers!

This one is extra cute on account of his funny eyes. People sure love Pugs.

And this one is extra cute because he's a foreigner!

And this little baby looks like MY little buddy. I wonder if this really is a picture of Zach, and before I met him he was outfitted with a bionic arm.

Oh internet. You make me complete.


ALH said...

I love pugs, she said sniffing and wiping away her tears of adoration.

Kevin said...

My favorite is that plucky little kitten on the leather chair. It seems impossible that he/she could actually walk with that cast on.