Monday, July 27, 2009

Der Haifish in Venedig

So if you know me at all, you know I'm terrified of scary movies. The oft-told tale of my 3rd grade experience with a film strip of The Headless Horseman is example enough - after several evenings of nightmares a note went to school and every subsequent Halloween I read quietly in the school library while the rest of the class re-watched that classic of decapitation and revenge.

And yet, I love monster movies. This probably stems from my fascination with sharks and with Jaws - though Jaws is certainly a terrific movie for many reasons, not just the scary fish. Piranha II: The Spawning, is another fave, and yet I can't really attest to that flick's artistic values.

Anyway, I recently stumbled across the preview for this modern classic, and promptly added it to my queue. The title leads me to believe there's a Thomas Mann homage going on, but whatever Baldwin brother is here is certainly no Tadzio.

Perhaps even better? This one here, which seems to have drawn its inspiration from a post I made a few weeks ago.

Netflix, here I come!

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