Saturday, December 1, 2007

Snack Questions: Answered

From the airport lounge before he left, CRD wrote

In the lounge here, they have mixed in Cheetos and pretzels with the Chex Party Mix. Fancy! Remember in the Old Days when you had to buy 3 different kinds of Chex Cereal to make Party Mix? Do they even still make Chex Cereal?

After some exhaustive research, I have discovered that General Mills still does make Chex Cereal. The snack mix has only increased in popularity and variety. It now comes in several different flavors, including Salty.
From the Chex homepage, I couldn't find my way to a listing of the different cereal flavors. You have to go to the recipes section (in case you prefer to mix your own) and come to the listing from there.

Despite the emphasis on snack mixes, Chex cereal now comes in a variety of flavors, although maybe that's just to give you greater mixing creativity.

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