Friday, August 29, 2008

A Day In The Life, Cape Cod Style

Whew. I sure am glad Amber is my chum and filled in for me the past few days. It's hard to blog on vacation, at least in part due to inconsistent wireless here at the Estate.

What's a normal Vacation Day like for me, you ask?

Well, I wake up around 8:30 or so, and take stock of the wonderful Cape Cod Artifacts we have here.

Our Lobster fisherman lamp, our Falmouth life preserver, and the stained glass hanging lighthouse, to name but a few.

Then, I take a walk into town, sometimes calling Amber on the way, and I buy the newspaper, a vacation luxury.

Once I'm back, I sit at the picnic table on the backyard and do the crossword puzzle and drink coffee out of a tiny mug. It's more fun that way, because you can have even MORE cups of coffee than usual.
Then, Sarah and I go on long bike rides (what a thrill to ride a bike that isn't stationary!). It's a bit of an adventure because we don't have helmets and my bike doesn't have brakes, but so far so good. Our bike rides often end with a stop at the beach.

All this before noon! What more could one want? God Bless, Vacation.

1 comment:

ALH said...

The fox has only one cup of coffee; the vacationer many.