Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Easy to Wed, Not Watch

Dear Esther Williams, I have long been a fan of your product, multi-million dollar aqua-musicals. However recently I watched Easy To Wed, starring yourself, Van Johnson, & Lucille Ball. It's a remake of Libeled Lady, a brilliant comedy starring William Powell, Myrna Loy, Spencer Tracy, and my beloved Jean Harlow. Your version wasn't so good. You were barely in the water, your song was in Spanish, and I was saddened to discover that the great Lucille Ball paled in her role compared to Jean Harlow. Who knew? I did though like this one sequence with Lucille playing piano & Van Johnson trying to learn duck calls.

I suggest going back to the source material.

Sincerely, CRD


ALH said...

She's so pretty in the water why would they have her on land?

ALH said...

Also, excellent use of the customer service form letter.