Monday, June 23, 2008

'allo, Guv'nor!

What a treat I had this weekend, with my first ever visit to Governor's Island! Governor's Island is a small island off the coast of Manhattan. I don't know much about the Flora or Fauna, but I know that the Ferry is Free, which is all that really matters.

I landed on the Island and quickly found a map. I identified my location on what I liked to call "the head" of the Island. The biking trail formed the vas deferens.

One fun thing to do on Governor's Island is play Cloverfield Monster. Here you can see me attempting to pop the head off the Statue Of Liberty.Later, I met a nice buoy and sat in its lap.

And finally, there was this interesting sign, which seemed to be explaining to me how Squirrels were created.

Cheerio, guv'nor!

1 comment:

ALH said...


(That's me making the Cloverfield monster noise.)