Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cats Got My Tongue

So this week at work sure is a Stinker - so much so that yesterday I didn't even get to visit here. Seems like Books are the most important thing in the world.

So forgive me the use of borrowed material, but these are my favorite kitty snaps of the past few weeks. Just as with unhappy Russian families, each kitty is funny in its very own way.

Optometry Humor never cracks me up, unless it's with kitties and misspellings.

This one is fun to say out loud whilst simultaneously cuddling & pulling the tail of your little buddy. I use my Foghorn Leghorn Voice.

And this one is just great.

Here's hoping for a quiet day with the Books.


Anonymous said...

I love both books and cats. Is that a contradiction? A conflict of interest?

Anonymous said...

I love all those little guys.

I am also a bit crabby about Books.

Are we the same person?
