Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Picks Of The Litter

So I was watching the preview for Star Wars: Here We Go Again With The Force And The Light Sabers, and I was trying to figure out why one of the characters looked so familiar. Was it because I had seen him before? Or because I had the toy, as a wee lad?

Then I figured it out. It's the same face that stares at me as I'm waking up in the morning.

Lil' cutie. Separated at Birth?


Anonymous said...


ALH said...

I cannot believe it wasn't me who made the Sigmund Freud comment. I feel like that's my signature style.

Also: the Faith's Brother Birthday cracked me up. I totally forgot how hot he was!

CRD said...

It's totally unheimlich, right? I feel like when Dick Powell only had eyes for Ruby Keeler and saw her everywhere he went.