Monday, May 19, 2008

God Bless, America

Whew! It is me, CRD, and I am back from the antipodes.

Australia is a beautiful place, but nothing beats America for good old fashioned ingenuity, ingenue-ity, or cheeseburgers. I can't believe what a good job Amber did while I was gone keeping this place tidy, and I shall pull myself up by my bootstraps and endeavor to maintain the high quality standards she set while I was gone.

I did have a good time both with friends and scenery in Australia, as these pictures can attest.

One friend and I went to a Grill Your Own Steaks place one night for dinner.

Another took me swimming one day, and afterwards we climbed a mountain up above the city.
And even though I worked hard at our sales conference, sometimes I posed for pictures when we had our coffee breaks outside.
All in all though, I'm glad to be back in the US of A. God Bless, America!

1 comment:

ALH said...

I thought this was a bizniss trip. I don't see you doing any bizness. Where are the bizniss photos?