Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Babies, English Style

My friends Damon & Susan made the cutest little babies. They keep their babies with them in jolly Olde Englande.

I haven't met the babies yet, but I sort of met one of them as she was inside Susan the last time I saw her.Anyway, I got this pic in the mail and saw one of the babies had no clothes! Quelle Scandal, as the dirty Frenchies say.

I ran right out and got some thread for my sewing machine, & came up with a jaunty pink hat, which all babies love.

(I think the baby goes in this contraption when D&S go out for the day, so she can't get into any trouble)
The jaunty hat goes good on the bigger baby too. Hats are so versatile.

I knitted this grey number by hand, and put on those green buttons. I thought it would look nice on either a grown-up or a baby - but it was easier to make it baby-sized.

Bye Bye, Babies! God Save, The Queen!

1 comment:

ALH said...

This is the most babies I have ever seen in a blog post.