Friday, April 18, 2008

Charleston: Local Fauna

Whilst we were at a rooftop bar enjoying our minty drinks, David pointed out some of the local peculiarities.

Having come of age in a Massachusetts suburb in the 1980's, I am quite familiar with the notion of Preppies. However, except for the times I run screaming from the room when American Psycho comes on the TV, I hadn't seen such sights in years.

We noticed this one with much interest. He had the boat shoes with no socks, the colorful belt with some sort of aquatic beast on it, the pleated khakis, the button down striped Ralph Lauren(TM) shirt, and the Oakley sunglasses with the tie thingy at the back.

Charleston sure has some sights!

I also enjoyed this Historical Monument, which I tried to photograph in my most Leni Riefenstahl-ian way.
And while there were some houses dating back to the Civil War, this was the sight from the past that most impressed me. This really is the Land That Time Forgot!

1 comment:

ALH said...

I don't see pictures of sea fish. I don't understand the reference to the documentarian who made Impressionen unter Wasser. ?