Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Babies, Mama

Last night Tyler, Jen and I went to a *FREE* screening of Baby Mama, the new Tina Fey movie. You might think we got in for *FREE* because of my Internals Plural blog credentials, but really it's because we talked to someone holding a clipboard outside of Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which we saw yesterday.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall was like Heartburn but with more jokes and less Carly Simon songs, and Baby Mama was like Outrageous Fortune, but with fewer giant leaps and more babies.

My favorite part was after the movie when I went to the special website they created, where you can make your OWN baby by using pictures of yourself & prospective baby-making partner.

I think the cutest baby of them all would be from Amber and Zach.

Cutie Baby!


Jen said...


Two thumbs up. Way up!

Anonymous said...

Hello, and I am proud of Charlotte Rae, Amber, Zach, and the Powers That Be at Internals Plural. Good job, everybody.

Jesse Whittle-Utter said...

Didn't you learn anything from that movie? Hire a surrogate.