Monday, January 14, 2008

Cats & Watermelons

I don't know what it is about cats & watermelons, but they seem to go together like chocolate & peanut butter.
This gray puss has yellow eyes, and likes to hide behind his melon.
Yellow boy here is just so proud to pose.
I fear something bad has happened between puss & melon before this picture was taken.
This one is my all time favorite. Pepper & Lucy are having a little adventure here. I don't know what's happening - are they going up on a glorious adventure to the heavens? Or are they going down to a crushing splat? Why are they so relaxed? Pepper seems to know something's up, but Lucy is enjoying the ride. I know this is Great Art because it makes me ask many questions.


ALH said...

This is my favorite blog post ever. Andrew Sullivan, eat your heart out. It's timely, watermelony, and has kitty cats.

Jen said...
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Jen said...

Cats must really love watermelons if they'll go in the water to get them.