Friday, January 11, 2008


In the old days, I would go bowling a lot. I would go every year to ALH's birthday party, and for some reason a bunch of times with my office. I haven't been in a few years now.

There is much controversy over who invented bowling, it was probably either the Egyptians or the Fins. I don't know because I wasn't around. When I was a tot my mom would go bowling to a candlepin place on Route 9 in Westboro with other moms and we kids would sit around and be childlike.

I think this picture is circa 1997 as I still have sideburns.


Anonymous said...

Do you want to go bowling with me sometime soon? I will get my ball and shoes out of the storage space.

CRD said...

I haven't bowling since the Lord Jesus was a lad.

This could be a good time for SURE.