Thursday, September 2, 2010

So This Is What I Do All Day

So, one of the last emails a friend at my OLD job sent me was a link to this bit at the HuffPo. It's a collection of some of the scariest children's books. And, since I'm so pooped from starting work, here's a redo.

Am I the only person I know with a fear of conjoined twins? Maybe I should have been read this as a child instead of Saggy Baggy Elephant.

This one is scary, but also bilingual!

This one just makes me sad.

Back to Poop! At my new job we publish books with this character in them, and I KNOW I won't be able to make it through new title meetings without giggling. Again.

Huh. All Animals Are Equal. Still, glad not to be the chicken here.

Yep, I'm scatalogically obsessed. I can't help it, I laugh.

In conclusion, The End. Now for Day 2!

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