Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Scarecrow & Dr. Bones

Amber talks about BONES all the time over at her blog. Once, at Awesome Club in DC, we watched it, but I think we were both drunk from beer floats and I didn't remember it so good. Also, Amber fell asleep with the cat ears on.

I recently have had the opportunity to watch all of Season 2 in about a week, and I can tell you, I sure like it.

It's like the Forensic Anthropologist version of Scarecrow & Mrs. King. See, Booth is like Scarecrow: a government agent who is a toughie and gets the bad guys. Bones is like Mrs. King, the civilian who helps him by tripping the bad guys or running them down in her station wagon, except also with Science.

One thing I like for sure is how Booth always wears funny tees. In this scene, he's inexplicably wearing a Guys & Dolls t-shirt. Luck be a Lady, Booth!

In another scene, he & Bones are undercover as boyfriend and girlfriend in Las Vegas. This at least explains these costumes.

All in all, I say a hearty re-visit of the Scarecrow & Mrs. King saga.

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