Monday, November 10, 2008

CRD & Homecoming Hippos

Oh hai. It's me ALH. I iz guest-blogging fur CRD.

CRD is coming home today. Hooray! Yesterday, he blogged about how much he loves hippos. I had this great idea to decorate his apartment while he was gone with a total hippo-cuteness theme. Diana says CRD's signature style is already cute animals, so why not expand on that theme?

To start, I would replace his fig soap with lilac-scented hippo soap in the bathroom for bathing fun. Hippos love baths!

Next, I would replace his orange backpack with this hippo messenger bag which I find to be both stylish and hippo.

Then, I would crochet him a bunch of amigurumi using this pattern and place them around the house.

Finally, I would buy him this wrist cuff to put on to unwind after his long journey home.

Only, I woke up late and have to go to work. Sorry, CRD.

1 comment:

CRD said...

I am CRD and this is an awesome welcome home post.